Wildcat News

Week 4 - March
March 28, 2025

Dear Wildcat Families!

As we head into spring break, we hope everyone takes this opportunity to relax and recharge. We have an exciting lineup of events and opportunities coming up that we can't wait to share with you!

First, we are looking forward to your participation in our Installation Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting on April 9. Your involvement is crucial as we discuss important matters affecting our school community.

Don't miss our Decrease Family Stress event on April 10, designed to provide helpful strategies for managing stress and promoting family well-being.

We are also thrilled about the upcoming Rome Colleges trip on April 11. This will be an enriching experience for our students to explore higher education opportunities abroad.

Parents and students interested in dual-enrollment, mark your calendars for our information night on April 16. This event will provide valuable insights into how you can earn college credits while still in high school.

For our students, AVID is now accepting applications. This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your academic skills and prepare for college success.

And there's much, much more in store! We look forward to seeing everyone back after spring break, ready to dive into these exciting events and opportunities.

Enjoy your break, and see you soon!

Go Wildcats

Rachel Lanquist, AP for Naples MHS

Rachel Lanquist

PSC 808
Box 15
FPO, AE 09618-0015
United States

+39 0444-106-0252

Get Involved!

Join the Installation Advisory Committee (IAC) Meeting!

NSA naples

Your Voice Matters!

The Installation Advisory Committee (IAC) provides a platform for parents, students, and staff to discuss important school matters, share concerns, and collaborate on solutions.

Date: April 9th, 2025
Time: 1600-1700
Location: NES Library

Why Attend?

  • Stay informed about school facilities, lunch program, etc.
  • Foster a strong partnership between families, educators, and base leadership.
  • Be a voice for positive change in our school community.

Virtual Option Available!
Join via Teams: Click Here

Submit Agenda Items

Email your topics to: naplesiac@gmail.com

Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers Needed

The annual Purple Up! Day will be held on Wednesday, April 9th.  Many Volunteers are needed for a short amount of time.  

Who:  Active duty and civilian adults

What:  Welcome and Cheer on students entering school 

When:  April 9 0745-0805 - please arrive at 0730 at the flag pole in front of both schools.

Where:  DoDEA Schools Complex, Constellation Ave, Support Site (Naples ES and Naples MHS)

Why:  Former Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger established the Month of the Military Child as a Department of Defense-wide commemoration in 1986.  Purple indicates that all branches of the military are supported.  All the service colors are represented including Air Force blue, Army green, Navy blue, Marine red, and Coast Guard blue; said to combine for the mutual benefit of all into the color purple.  Purple Up!  Day is an event to show support to military youth to recognize their strength and sacrifices.


Stay in-the-know

SY 25-26 Student Re-registration Window Has Opened

The Student Re-registration window opens on February 26. Parents should complete a re-registration for each currently enrolled student by the end of the school year. During re-registration, parents will indicate whether their student will be withdrawing or returning for the upcoming school year.

New Student Registration will be closed from March 2nd – March 12th to update system functionality. If your student needs to be registered while New Student Registration is unavailable, please contact your school.

One More SAC Meeting This Year!

The School Advisory Committee will meet one more time this year on April 24.  If needed, please contact them at sacnmhschool@gmail.com

...and One More Coffee and Cornetti w/ the Admin Team

It will be held in the NMHS Cafeteria on April 24 at 9:00.  We value your participation and feedback.  This is a time to receive current events, new and to ask questions that will positively impact student achievement, school culture and climate.  All parents welcome!

Spring Sports Schedule

Spring Sports Schedule

School Nurse News: Parents Need To Be Present to Sign Students Out of School

Important Reminder:

Do not send your child to school if he or she is ill. Staying home to get the proper rest, nutrition, and parental care is for your child's benefit as well as for the benefit of the other children in the school who may be unnecessarily exposed to a contagious illness. The following are examples of when a student should remain home:

  • A temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The student must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours (a complete school day) before returning to school.
  • Actively vomiting or has diarrhea
  • Severe uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, rapid or difficult breathing, and coughing lasting longer than five to seven days.

Please review for more information: Health Services | DoDEA

Frequently Needed Documents

Check Out These Academic Opportunities

Dual Enrollment Available

Want to learn how to earn college credit while still in high school?  The Dual Enrollment program is available to students in grades 10-12 and provides the opportunity to earn high school and college credit for up to three college courses per school year.  If interested, please attend the Dual Enrollment Information Night on April 16.  See attachment for details.

Notable Flyers

Senior News

Celebrate Your Class of 2025 Graduate Like Never Before!

Stars and Stripes is your ultimate destination for honoring the achievements of your Class of 2025 graduate. This year, we are excited to offer you three fantastic options to share your graduate's success with family and friends, no matter where they are. Your Graduate’s Announcement is: 

Personalized: Reflect your graduate's personality and achievements. 

Versatile: Choose the format that best suits your needs. 

Shareable: Easily share your digital ad with loved ones near and far. 

Traditional: As your hometown newspaper, we are proud to announce your graduate’s success.

Read more at: https://europe.stripes.com/grad-tab/

Senior Event Schedule


Ms. Hooper has been working hard to make sure that our seniors have a memorable year.   From now until the end of the school year, the schedule is full of fun and exciting events.  If you have any questions, please direct them to laura.hooper@dodea.edu 

Principal’s Student Expectations

As we begin this school year, I want to take a moment to outline the expectations we have for each of you. These guidelines are designed to ensure a safe, respectful, and productive environment for everyone. Please take these seriously and strive to embody these values each day.

    Being on time is crucial for your success. You are expected to be on campus and in your first class by the start of the school day. Arriving late disrupts not only your learning but also the learning of others. The same applies to returning from lunch and transitioning between classes—ensure you move quickly and arrive promptly.

    During lunch, it is important that you maintain a clean and respectful environment. Please pick up after yourself, dispose of waste properly, and use the recycling bins where appropriate. Remember, off-campus lunch privileges are only granted to 11th and 12th graders—use this privilege responsibly. Everyone should be mindful of their behavior and show respect to cafeteria staff and fellow students.

    For your safety, only your parents or legal guardians can sign you out of school during the day. If you need to leave early for any reason, make sure your parents are aware and involved in the sign-out process.

    Our school is a place for all of us to learn and grow, and it’s important to treat it with care. Destruction of school property, including lockers, microwaves, and any form of graffiti, will not be tolerated. If you see something that needs attention, please report it—do not take matters into your own hands.

    Technology is a powerful tool for learning, but it must be used appropriately. Cyberbullying and any inappropriate use of technology are serious offenses and will be dealt with accordingly. Remember that your online behavior reflects who you are—be kind and responsible in your digital interactions.

    Your education is important, and attending every class is key to your success. Skipping class not only hinders your learning but also can lead to disciplinary action. If you’re struggling with something, please reach out for help instead of keeping skipping class.

    We all need someone we can turn to in times of need. I encourage each of you to identify a trusted adult in the building—whether it’s a teacher, counselor, or staff member—who you can go to if you need support or guidance.

    Above all, be kind and respectful to others and yourself. Treat everyone with dignity, and remember that we are all part of this community together. Your actions and words have power—use them to build others up, not bring them down.

    The late activity bus is reserved for students participating in DoDEA sports or school-sponsored activities. Hanging around the base with friends is not an acceptable reason to take the late activity bus, and you will not be allowed entry if this is your intent.

    Dress Code is paramount for NMHS student decorum. Dress code plays a crucial role in maintaining a professional and respectful environment in schools like NMHS (or any school, really). It helps set a tone for the day and ensures that students are dressed appropriately for their learning environment. Adhering to the dress code can also promote a sense of equality and reduce distractions.

    1. All housing is off limits.

    2. Underclassmen friends cannot join you for lunch off campus. If underclassmen are caught with you, you may lose your lunch privileges.

    3. When you return from off campus lunch, do not hang out in the atrium, go to the cafeteria.

    4. You are required to come back from lunch for seminar and DVS/DE classes.

    5. All school rules apply while off campus for lunch.

    6. You may go to the Commissary/NEX, Food trucks, Spinz, Village Forum, Food Court and Mini Mart.

    7. You must be back on time for your last class of the day. Tardies coming back from lunch will not be tolerated. Spinz or the food court taking too long to make your food is not an excuse - plan accordingly neither is not knowing the schedule for Wednesday's.

    8. Your off-campus lunch privileges will be revoked if any school rules are broken, or you are found in an area that is off limits.

    9. Students must exit and enter the school through the front door only.

    10. Clean up after yourself.

    Reminder you are Wildcat and to represent our school well while out in the community!

    Let’s work together to make this school year a positive and successful one for everyone. Your commitment to these expectations will help create a welcoming and productive environment where we can all thrive.

    Thank you for your attention, and let’s make this year great!

    Broken and Damaged Chromebooks

    We have observed a significant increase in the number of damaged Chromebooks and broken styluses this year. This issue is becoming critical, and we risk running out of devices for our students.


    Please address this issue with your children and monitor how they handle their Chromebooks. Remember, students and their parents signed a form accepting financial responsibility for any damage or loss. While some incidents may be accidental, others, such as missing protective shells or intentional damage, could be considered negligence or vandalism, respectively.  In that case, parents may have to pay for the damage.  The warranty company is beginning to question the warranty tickets that we are submitting and not always providing us replacements.

    Your vigilance and communication with students are crucial in mitigating this problem. We also welcome any feedback from students that could help us address this issue more effectively.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    New Stylus Replacement Procedure

    Parents order a replacement stylus on the PTA website.

    HP Slim Rechargeable Pen

    Parents send their receipts from the PTA to the school supply office.  If they unregistering from our school they can present the receipt to the registrar for release of their records.

    If the student is not unregistering from our school, the supply clerk will issue the student a replacement stylus from our reserves.  We have a small supply of extra styluses.

    PTA will bulk order the replacement styluses at the end of the school year and give them to our supply clerk.

    *It is important to order the exact model, as other model styluses may not work or fit in the charging garage available on our Chromebooks.

    **Styluses can be ordered directly from HP, but HP does not deliver to PO boxes.

    Featured News

    Featured Pages


    Please refer to the school front office for more detailed information regarding student clubs and organizations. For more information please contact Ms. Joanne Giubilato.

    If you are interested, please contact Mr. Paul Nordhaus.

    Meets on: Mondays

    Meeting Time: after school

    If you are interested, please contact Mr. Craig Lord.

    Meets on: Wednesdays

    Meeting Time: lunch

    If interested, please see our MFLC Counselors, Ms. Michelle and Ms. Deborah.  Come join the Military Family Life Counselors for lunch on Thursdays for a fun and supportive peer community circle.

    Meets on: Thursdays

    Meeting Time: during lunch

    If you are interested in games, D&D, etc., please contact Dr. Todd Quinton.

    Meets on: Thursdays

    Meeting Time: after school

    Follow us on Social Media

    DoDEA School Dress Code

    Image showing dress code and location of armpit and mid-thigh

    Students MUST wear:

    • Tops with sleeves (sleeveless tops/dresses are permitted for school sponsored formal events such as prom)
    • Solid clothing (not transparent or translucent) that fully covers the top and bottom from armpit to mid-thigh
    • Shoes (shoes must be safe for the school environment)
      • Bedroom slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal
      • Open toe shoes with a strap across the heel are allowed

    Students CANNOT wear clothing with:

    • Language or images promoting violence
    • Language or images that depict, promote, or advocate the illegal use or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products; violent conduct; curse words; pornography; that contain threats or expressions which are violent, discriminatory, lewd or obscene; or that advocate or promote any other illegal item or activity or the use of same
    • Derogatory speech/imagery targeting groups based on race/color, ethnicity/national origin, sex, disability, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law
    • Headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance or health purpose); clothing items with hoods attached can be worn but must not cover the head

    * Teachers/courses can require certain attire as part of the curriculum (for example: physical education, culinary) that may include specific dress

    * DoDEA issued athletic uniforms and athletic practice attire outside of the DoDEA school dress code is permitted when worn by participants during athletic practices and sports events

    Need to Be Excused From an Absence?

    Don't hesitate to let our School Secretary know!

    Best way to contact her for absences is by email:

    naplmhs.attendance@dodea.edu or by phone call: +39 04441060252.

    Will you be absent for 4 or more days?

    Please stop by the front office for a Notification of Planned Absence Form, which needs to be filled out and signed by teachers prior to an authorized signature from the Principal.

    Did you know?

    • You aren't required to sign your student in if;
      • they are running late
      • or coming back from an appointment (please be sure to get a doctor's note)
    • Students under the age of 18 need to be signed out by a parent, guardian, or authorized adult
    Related regulations

    Are You PCS'ing Soon?

    If you are pcs'ing soon, please contact our Naples MHS school registrar, Michela Pellecchia at michela.pellecchia@dodea.edu for information on how to get started.

    Related regulations

    School Zone Traffic Flow

    school zone traffic flow
    Related regulations

    School Administrators

    Name Position Details Phone
    HR Specialist HR Specialist +49 (0)611-143-1999
    School Meals Program School Meals Program +39 0444-71-6796
    Attendance Clerk Attendance 0444-106-0253
    Cristina Hall School Nurse 0444-106-0261
    Jeff Wood School Webmaster 0444-106-0252
    Joan Williams School Counselor 0444-106-0253
    Michela Pellecchia Registrar 0444-106-0254
    Nicci Bartley Counselor (MS/HS) 0444-106-0253
    NSA Naples Installation Advisory Committee
    School Advisory Council (SAC) School Advisory Council
    Tracey Griffith School Psychologist 0444-106-0253

    School Hours

    Grade Regular Hours School Hours
    7 - 12 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    (Monday - Friday)
    8:00 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
    (M, T, TH & F)
    8:00 a.m. - 1:40 p.m.
    It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school every time a student is absent.
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